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Strawberries and wine? A strange combination that tastes wonderful

Sometimes one wonders if fruit can be combined with wine. The high acidity and the harshness below the palate may indicate that fruit is not easily combined with wine. Have you ever tried strawberries with champagne or a wine-flavored fruit dessert? Let’s see the best combinations of wine and strawberries, for an explosion of taste on your table.

How to combine strawberries and wine

The best period for strawberry tasting is generally between February and May, harvest time and best moment for fruit ripening. Strawberries can be used in the kitchen to prepare excellent desserts, but also other dishes, such as strawberry risotto, or savory seconds, such as duck breast with strawberry sauce. But how can you combine such a tasty and tasty fruit, like strawberries, with a good glass of wine or champagne?

Wine represents, since ancient times, the cultural rite of a civilization ready for a new life, in addition to the close relationship with the land. It’s usually quite simple to combine the flavors of wine with savory dishes or desserts, but not so much with fruit. With fish usually a white wine is preferred, while for the main courses of meat, a red wine is chosen. And for strawberries which wine is the best?

Strawberries with white or red wine?

The wine we suggest to combine with strawberries should be light, therefore with a low alcohol content, and with fruity aromas: the choice in this case can fall on sweet sparkling wines, to have a greater concordance of flavors between wine and fruit. An excellent wine to pair with strawberries is Pinot Noir, a wine obtained from the pressing of black grapes, with a characteristic scent of red fruits, which goes well with the intense taste of Fresón de Palos strawberries. Chardonnay is also a good wine for strawberries, thanks to its characteristic floral bouquet. Do not forget, moreover, that the combination «sweet with sweet» is never wrong: for that reason, you can combine a passito with strawberries.

Strawberries and Champagne

This seems to be the perfect match: the marriage of flavors between strawberries and champagne, white or rosé, is unique and inimitable. Sparkling wines are perfectly combined with fresh fruit, especially strawberries, thanks to their delicate taste. This marriage of flavors is particularly suitable for a gallant appointment, because strawberries are often associated with love, for their characteristic red color and intense flavor.

The combination between strawberries and champagne is so apt that at the beginning of the ’30s in Italy the Rossini cocktail was born: this particular cocktail made in Italy is the result of the perfect union of strawberries, lemon juice and champagne. The recipe is very simple but the result is assured.


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